Hampton’s Fifth Years are celebrating exceptional results today after collectively recording the strongest GCSE examination grades seen at the School. They can begin their preferred A Level courses with aspirations to emulate or even surpass our 2024 Leavers, who in last week’s A Levels achieved 41% A* and 77% A*-A grades.

GCSE grading has returned to pre-pandemic levels nationally, making it all the more impressive that Hamptonians were awarded 56% grade 9s, 83% 9-8 grades, and 96% 9-7 grades.

Highlights Include:

  • 56% grade 9s
  • 70%+ grade 9s: Maths, Chemistry, Geography, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Greek
  • 83% grades 9-8
  • 96% grades 9-7
  • 52 Hamptonians chalked up nine or more grade 9s, among whom 20 boys were rewarded with eleven or more of the very top 9 grades

There were delighted family scenes in the Main Hall and Cloisters as pupils celebrated their results, which are once again set to be among the very best in the country and affirm Hampton’s place as one of the UK’s most academically successful schools. There were many notable individual and collective stories to enjoy.

Fifth Year members of Hampton’s renowned Voices of Lions choir, fresh from their critically acclaimed run at the Edinburgh Fringe, accrued 32 top grades (9-8) between them. A special mention goes to chorister Oli Lenox-Smith, who chalked up 12 straight 9s. His stellar achievements were matched by Ralph Yao, while Hector Raoux recorded a remarkable clean sweep of 13 grade 9s.

Among the year group’s sportsmen, gifted footballer Quinn Schutter has nine top grades to take with him to Fulham FC’s Academy Scholarship programme, where he joins fellow Hamptonians Josh King OH (2023) and Chibby Nwoko OH (2022). Meanwhile, five of our J16 rowers who represented Great Britain in July’s GB v France races rounded off a golden summer: Henry Hoeffken, Ewan McVey, Leo Robertson, Monty Hunt and Ben Knight added 30 grade 9s and 8s to their medal haul.

The Headmaster, Kevin Knibbs, offered his warmest congratulations:

“Our Fifth Years deserve the highest praise for achieving such exceptional results alongside making impressive contributions across every area of School life. 

Given the context of the return to pre-pandemic grading standards, it is especially laudable that this year group has been rewarded with Hampton’s strongest set of GCSE exam results.  This resounding success is testament to their hard work, intellectual curiosity and dedication, along with the unstinting support of their families and my colleagues.

These talented young people can approach their chosen Sixth Form studies with confidence, and we look forward to them embarking upon the exciting next stage of their education. They will doubtless continue to combine academic and all-round excellence while supporting those around them with kindness and respect, all of which remain wonderfully distinctive features of Hampton life. Many congratulations to everyone – enjoy your well-deserved celebrations!”



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