11 May

2023 Leavers’ Reception

Hampton School

11.05.2023 6:30pm
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2023 Leavers’ Reception

It’s just under three weeks until we welcome our 2023 leavers and parents to their Leavers’ Reception.

Taking place on Thursday 11 May from 6.30pm-8.30pm, the event will be a chance for the Class of 2023 to catch up with their friends, teachers and other members of staff, to say an official goodbye to Hampton.

Food and drinks will be served in the Cloisters and Dining Hall from 6.30pm with a short, formal programme in the Main Hall from 8.00pm.  The Reception will finish at 8.30pm.

The dress code for the evening will be smart/casual.

If you would like to attend, please complete the below form, including the name of your son(s) and details of each parent/guardian attending.

If you have any questions prior to the event, please email the alumni team alumni@hamptonschool.org.uk

We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2023 with you!

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